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Universal Symbol of Urbanisation 

The chimney has been a visible symbol of industry since Roman times, and their scale and materiality have developed significantly since. With urbanisation a reduction in classism is effected,  ignoring theory by Précis (1821) that customs inherited from antiquity need continued.  

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There has been rapid urbanisation as populations grow and develop, resulting in an unconscious production of the grotesque. This expansion has occurred during a time of static heritage generation, sustained by linear economies and short-term financial models. If this trend continues, societies will become heritage impoverished.


In response, this proposal contends for the production of future heritage to meet demand of increased urbanisation. This will be explored through research of universal UNESCO principles, enduring architectures and an asset audit of Milan. 


In proposal, extremely durable ruins designed using harmonious proportions provide a permanent framework that function can be attached to. Increased urbanisation and future heritage is thus reconciled through an embrace of obsolescence.  

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Risk of Urbanisation 

Uncontrolled urbanisation of historic urban landscapes can result in the loss of heritage value. Inversely, control of these areas can lead to economic stagnation, as evidenced by Keefe, G. and Jefferies, T. (2011). Instead, in-built and intuitive solutions are needed if heritage is to be reconciled harmoniously with contemporary demands.  


Study sorting UNESCO sites by size overlaid onto topography of Italian hills. This highlights dynamics of scale and sensitivity to surrounding landscape. Are these areas of outstanding universal value truly universal? Or are their values subject to satisfying specific cultural and spatial customs?            

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Designing UNESCO

Sketches showing possible UNESCO designs using harmonic principles such as golden section and dynamic symmetry. Their relationship with landscape and ability to create various space is explored. 


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Crespi D’ Adda is located within a wider heritage network, that stretches 300km from Milan to Venice. This urban growth analysis highlighted harm uncontrolled urbanisation can result on the liveability of cities. Their infrastructural and services networks are stretched, as they expand outwards from their historic centres.


Milan was identified as city to grow largest in population terms before year 2035, and was subsequently used as case study for future heritage.    

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Matthew Graham Semester 2

Societies are becoming heritage impoverished due to increasingly expansionist urban growth out-pacing the rate at which we preserve. At global and regional levels heritage generation has remained largely static, while economic and ideological forces threaten what we currently attempt to preserve. This can be evidenced by the recent UNESCO de-listing of Liverpool Maritime Mercantile City, and by the loss of heritage within past and present conflict zones from Mariupol to Belfast.


The Falls Skankill interface area is used as test bed for future heritage solutions. Here, concrete foundations provide an architectural pentimento of the mills and churches that once stood, social deprivation has risen, and the past remains unrepresented. In response, this proposal contends for the revival of this industrialised landscape lost due to the Troubles and overseas market pressures. This process is facilitated by the Temple of Craft, that acts to revitalise traditional trades and encourage community engagement in creation of their own heritage. 


The need for sustainable integrated communities is evident, and aligned with  Stormont legislature regarding removal of Peace Walls by 2023, and several UN Sustainable Development goals. Furthermore, the need for net-zero cities by 2050 can be informed by lessons from our industrial past, when locally sourced traditional materials constructed low embodied carbon architecture.


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