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The Consensus within Model Villages

An Economy-based Utopia?

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Political Structure

Comparison - Crespi d'Adda


Comparison - Port Sunlight


Comparison - Saltaire


Planning & Area Distribution


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Reflection & Summary

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Crespi d'Adda

Port Sunlight

Comparison Reflections 

Opinions & Hypothesis 

1. Two Main Roles - Workers & Village Owner

The Owner hope to provide a healthy and comfortable environment of living and working for Workers.


2. Four Main Elements - Meet the requirement of Workers 

    1) Living Space - Residential Houses
    2) Working Space - Factory
    3) Community - Essential Infrastructure Buildings (Church,                  School, Hospital, etc.)

    4) Landscape


3. The Village is composed by three areas - Residential Area,

Working Area & Landscape (Public Space)
The Working Area is separated from Residential Area and Landscape Area - Usually separated by a street.
The organisation logic of space is different.
Crespi d'Adda and Saltaire is Linear Logic - a street with two sides - Factory is on the one side and residential
& landscape area is on the other side.
Port Sunlight is a Encircle Logic - Landscape is surrounded by buildings.


4. The Village Planning shows the Village Owner's Control to Workers

Crespi d'Adda - Very Strong Control - Worker's Houses, Strong Hierarchy, Village Planning (Symbolic Meaning)

Saltaire - Worker's House (Hierarchy)

Port Sunlight - Different Facade but Two Basic Plan

Crespi d'Adda - an obsolete model


Thinking from Village Owner

Economy Crisis
The Type of Industry is less competitive
The Infrastructures including the factory machines are out of date

The Running & Management fees of low density village is high


Thinking from Workers

Link to the Reading - The City as a Project
Pierre Patte 18th Century - Machine - Design from birth to death
Baron Haussmann 19th Century - simple & tangible rules (Height of each floor etc.)

Le Corbusier 20th Century - Mansion Domino - Self-build their models

See and think more (Freedom and Definition of Happiness)
Not meet their requirements


Is it Possible to Make the Crespi d'Adda work again?

The Main Elements and Area Layout Logic might be used for today and future design.

Village Owner - Control - Management the village - Transformation of industry type - become less affected and adaptable (Self-efficient)

Workers - Be Controlled - Happy to be controlled - Feel like not being controlled - Meet their new requirements (Modern Life) & Remove the strong feeling of being controlled

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